Crest Florists


At Skyline Drive Orchestra, we’re all about bringing something rather special to a ceremony. It is our belief that beautiful little touches interspersed throughout the day are what build up to make a wedding ceremony absolutely sensational. This, naturally, involves personalized elements throughout the day, classically glamorous decor, and switching out a CD player for glorious live music, courtesy of our band.  


One other such special feature is filling the day with spectacular floral arrangements. They may be subtle in their beauty, but flowers on a wedding day are an absolutely imperative feature for styling a picture perfect venue. As a decoration, they are simultaneously classically beautiful (in fitting with the romance and sentiment of the occasion), while also providing an opportunity to add personality and individuality to the elegant decor. 


With this in mind, we wanted to dedicate this edition of our blog’s series of vendor spotlights to recommending to our clients a passionate florist that is a master of their craft, providing couples with the perfect addition to their special day. So, without further ado, we’d like to introduce you to Crest Florist. 


Ever since it was established back in 1964, Crest Florist has upheld its fantastic reputation as one of the tri-state area’s finest, most highly recommended florists. With these beautifully intricate adornments for your ceremony, they provide a service that is the ultimate in subtle, sophisticated glamour.  


The team at Crest Florist work closely with all of their clients, to create a personalized bespoke service that interweaves a couple’s tastes, personality and signature style into their floral decorations. But you don’t need to just take our word for it, Crest Florist have received countless 5 star reviews on Wedding Wire, and the company has received magnificent acclaim in Wedding Wire’s Couples’ Choice Awards for six years running. 

Crest Florist can provide their clients with everything from bouquets to table centerpieces, and even offering full event design services. They particularly specialize in their singular usage of custom glass and iron stands or custom chuppas and canopies to provide a gorgeous signature touch to a ceremony. 


So, now that we’ve helped you sort out your decorations for the day, let’s move on to the entertainment. If you’re all about filling your ceremony with these special, intricate touches then you need look no further. At Skyline Drive Orchestra, we are made up of one set unit of full time, professional musicians who are some of the very finest in the industry. Because we are one unit, you know exactly what to expect from the band that you’re hiring. We have recorded with a huge range of artists – including names like Michael Jackson and Bon Jovi – television shows and films. So, if you’d like to secure Skyline Drive Orchestra for your ceremony’s sensational live music, get in touch – we’d be delighted to speak to you about our services.